Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Jamie=awake, cheery, and in severe want of a shopping spree

Today is going to be a good day. :)

Last night, I stayed over my dad's for the first time in a good while. Mostly I just hung around, watched some T.V., fooled around on the guitar, and played with the new puppy, Ben-Ben. Did not sleep much (fell asleep sometime around sunrise, prolly and woke up at about seven thirty), but I feel well-rested and happy.

It's unreal that it's already summer vacation. I'm already losing track of which day it is and going to bed at four in the morning. Hopefully this summer will last as long as last summer did. Seriously, I got a lot out of last summer, thinking and spending time with myself ;) (just kidding!) I could benefit a lot from learning how to drive and/or getting a job this time around, though. I would dig working for Ron at the Kwik Mart around the bend, but I don't think he needs help. Worth a shot to let him know that I'm around, though! If that isn't an option, I'll soon be employed by my dad to paint sign posts, which is easy and lucrative. I'd like to be useful to someone somehow.

Looking forward to my correspondence with Laura while she's in Illinois--I'm awful at staying in touch, so it's great that she wants to write me this summer, so I'll have immediate motivation to write back. I've always liked the idea of having a pen pal, and why not have a real-pal pen pal?

On a slightly more discordant note, I've been in a creative rut for approaching forever now. Although I've had some new ideas, my ability to ditch my reserve and just create and perfect later is lacking, namely in writing. I'm a good writer, and I'm holding myself back by not trying harder to get myself into it again. Maybe I should talk with Mr. Keeley. I wish I'd gotten to take Creative Writing this year at school :-\. I'm thoroughly convinced that I could get some ideas onto paper with grades and my GPA as an incentive. In any case, I'll be sure to submit to Tower again this winter.

I kind of want to skip ahead to college. I want to be in an environment where everyone around me has a genuine and in-depth interest in language like I do. I love the idea of just spouting off about linguistic stuff and having someone not only know what I'm talking about but also be able to theorize with me (fuck parallel structure, mofos! Sentience towards grammatical no-nos in text FTW.) I don't like feeling like the one goody-goody student in a class, because it makes me seem even less personable to my fellows and fellowettes than I'm already not. That is entirely my deal, though! Either way, I want to get into a good school with some serious scholarship action going on and to make new friends while keeping the old.

And I could seriously go for some new apparel in the form of underunits, pantaloneses, and socks. Who's with me?!



Anonymous said...

you forgot to write P.S. Nick!!! lol :p :D

James said...
