Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Usual and Not-So-Usual

Jamie equates a mess of large, two-toned hair, anxious about school tomorrow, and seeking help for my dad.

So, summer is packing its bags, but never for good. Just for fall, winter and spring. It's finally getting chilly in the house, which means I am finally dressing appropriately for the season. I am not anxiously awaiting winter, but I'm looking forward to fall, which means October, which means Halloween and many a friends' birthday. Oh, and my birthday. September, though, means STRESS and possibly disappointment, as I will be auditioning for Select Choir. I've been practicing rhythm and sight-reading a lot, but I haven't been paying attention to solfege hardly at all, which is unwise. I still have a little time, probably, though. Well, I hope so. I've improved so much and I really want to be a part of that group.

In other news, I need a little help from you guys, or anyone you know who can help and is willing: my dad is having a wicked tough time with his treatment and everything, and work is crap for him right now, and he's asking Lindsay and I to do some fundraising for him. I know that's a little weird, but I don't want to let him down. If anyone can donate any money to us at all, it would be greatly appreciated. I realize that this is a sucky time for a lot of people, but again, any help at all. This is aimed mostly at people I actually know. If you can help or know anyone who can, email me. Here's to sounding cheesy and feeling uneasy.

(Unintended, not-so-rhythmic rhyme.)

In other news, I've been working a little bit on Carly's story, finally. I have proof on Fictionpress. I have proof of a few things on Fictionpress, actually. Check it out. I would link you to my noteflight as well, but everything I'm working on right now is private because it's not finished, so...I should prolly get rid of that link on my Fictionpress.

In even more other news, I'm freaking hungry like a mofo. All we have to eat is fruit flies and, like, frozen yogurt, the latter of which is quite tasty and good for me...the former smells like rot and overpopulation. One of my least favorite parts of summer is bugs. I don't kill the ones I encounter if I can help it, though. Most people complain that "bugs don't belong in the house," but it's sorta the other way around: our houses don't belong in Nature. We are the intruders, and the fact that we punish the smaller life forms out there for our topsy-turvy thinking is frustrating to me. I get the heebie-jeebies from bugs, too, but a simple solution is BRING THEM OUTSIDE. Suck it up as best you can and find a way to release them.

And with that, I am out. Hope my and all of your schedules are fixed, fellow Pinkertonians!
