Monday, July 28, 2008

Blog Nummer Eins!


So there is never enough to say anymore when I blog, and it shall be made even worse here at Blogger as I will probably have to write two separate blogs now...considering I already have a completely irregular blog flow on Myspace, although there they are at least well-received. It could be, though, that I will cheat a little and copy my blogs from here and put them on Myspace and vice versa.

But anyways.

So here I am at very early o'clock AM-time, having woken up not more than a half hour ago. Isn't that something. What stimulus could possibly have compelled my peacefully slumbering mind to wake up at seven twenty in the morning? Well, I can't say I rightfully know and I don't imagine that you do, so I guess we'll all just have to wonder. Or we could forget it, because we have better things to do than overthink simple concepts, don't we?

Oh, maybe not.

So, I'm just starting to think about school again. We have about a month until the first day, my fellow PA folktypes. I'm really hoping I don't have any sucky teachers, and that my classes aren't all the way across campus from each other like last year. That sucked. But at least I got some exercise.

I'm recycling some of my stuff from last year, like my sneakers, which can take some more wearage, as well as my blue accordion, which is cracked and no longer has the elastic that keeps it closed, but there is always duct tape for school-supply boo-boos, and elastic is easily replaceable or ignored. It's not entirely necessary. Also, I think I have more paper in my five-subject notebook. Score!

Oh my, I've just written a paragraph about reusing stuff for school.

Well, if you haven't fallen asleep or shot your own brain out yet, congratulations, as you have accomplished something. Unless you had meant to make a point of falling asleep or blowing your brains out while reading my first Blogger blog, in which case it is very possible that you should rethink your goals in life.

All reet, well, I think that is it for me.
