Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Throwback, Mothaflufflas, or Thinking of Drinks

Jamie=pretty ruckin' fusty at this!

Hey there, two or three people in the whole world who might think to check my blog to see if I'll ever post again and end up reading this! How y'all doin'? Are you as nervous as I am?!

I decided to try my hand at blogging again today to revisit old times and get myself writing again to maybe get myself in a good place creatively. Or, at the very least, expressively. How often is it that I mention that I'm in a creative rut? Haha, why do I feel the need at this point? It seems to be a condition of being Jamie. Let's see what I can do:

'Fridgerator glow
Casts a grimace on my face
Mountain Dew stares back.

Sip Canada Dry
What color is this liquid?
Surely not so green!

Found content, then, with
Mexican Coca-Cola--
Sugary, brown, calm.

Yesterday, I drank
A mocha latte; Just Right.
Smiled thinking of you.

Dismantle this mass of squiggles
And twirl it 'round your fingers
I will hand you forth my innards
So long you keep them safe.

I imagine a brown bottle, sun shining through
Profound translucence from so dark a color
I peer in and lose myself in a bottomless well of depth and sun
Where I will gladly make my home
Tumbling head over heels, never to gain my footing.

I'm actually pretty happy with this. I think I'm done writing for tonight/this morning; I got more out of myself than I'd expected, inchoateness notwithstanding!

I know this isn't really a blog post, per se, in that I haven't told you anything new about where my Life's at, but if you want to know about that, perhaps I'll try posting again soon!

Or you might consider checking your snail mail!

Thank y'all for humoring me! I think I'm off to bed after I finish listening to this album! (Kid A-Radiohead)
